mercredi 17 septembre 2014

make money online from Triond

make money online from Triond
make money online from Triond

I had made the subject previously how to make money from linkaty  and make big profit  from Adsense  
 and will talk about a website to make a revenue from adsense with your contenent or your article we do not have a website
make money from Triond, so in this issue is a supplement and complement to the topic 

make money from sharing revenue adsense

   All questions and inquiries about the site "Triond"

 triond is shring a revenue with google adsense from your article and your contenent is give you 80% of from showing adsense code to your article

now you must create account in this website

go directly to website triond register

and you acomplir a register form  look picture

make money online from Triond 1

 after you finish go to your inbox email for activate your account

how i make money from triond ?

it is so simple to make money from triond you make a article with picture and you must write a attractive title for attract visitors to read it

Can you link your Adsensewith Triond ?

- Yes Triond site features that you can connect from Adsense account by account or work again if you did not have an account on Adsense.

can i  win by Paypal only ?

- Linking AdSense account with the site is the only extra feature, but the main advantage is the main profit or through Paypal and you can of course collect the profits from Paypal only.

what is Minimum Payment PayPal ?

- Site has facilitated the payment to the extreme, you can convert your money to Paypal if exceeded $ 0.5 or (half a dollar) only allowing you to transfer money without waiting for the monthly minimum amount of large, as do the rest of the companies.

Payment methods available for the site Triond ?

- Payment Methods many you can convert your money to Paypal skip profits half dollars, or converted to a bank and Western Union known if profits exceeded $ 50, with that you can be sent by check and the same minimum payment to the bank and Western Union.

There are some topic i published and i not found it in triond?

- Maybe these topics misspelled or mistakes such as placing links Alavillet or re-publication of the matter and they have done if you did not find the topic to publish in search of these links you will find the subject in front of the subject with a hint of folk and Fix will fix the errors and redeployed subject again.

Look at these links to find the threads that have never been published:

Pending - Revisions - Drafts - Declined

When I link Adsense account i see a message like this ?

- I noticed a large number of questions that there is a problem in connecting the site with Adsense account when does anyone linking Tati him this message:

There is a problem on this form. Please correct and resubmit.
The 'developer_email' header does not represent an authorized developer

I've talked with a person at the site, he said this message appear for people new or which contains self on illegal  such as the transfer of content or put links to sites unrelated to the position for the visitors, and told me that new accounts are subject to the control of three months during which you can profit from eBay Pal only until the site to send a message telling you that you have been accepted to link your account with Adsense and this message will come to you from one of the clients who are in the AdSense site Triond.

When i get my revenue ?

- The site Triond have a  Automatic way to send your profits in the first of each month from 5 to 15 days after you collect your profits for the month of January, for example, taken on 15 for the month of February, and so as he is sending the serial number of the batch in the list of Earnings.

Links Affiliates, does not appear in the Account Triond:?

- The site give you many advantages, but whenever you exceed a certain stage, after, for example, to get the number of visitors to a particular gives the site Badges depending on your configuration at the site, and these lights get the higher your profits or your visitors and also you get tuned Vans and which activate links Alavillet and also link the account Adsense.

How do I get visitors from the site:

- Of the features of the site, which I find fascinating that publishes your subject in many locations making it easier for you to get visitors, but I biggest advantage it gives you in the Home more threads are required to search Google for the site Triond which makes you aware of these topics and writing about them to increase the number of visitors and also your earnings, and you'll find the bottom of this Mini Home on behalf of "Top Search."

 i will show you some proof for triond website 

triond earnings proof

related keyword :
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earn money sharing content from triond
triond is sharing adsense revenue
sharing adsense revenue with triond

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